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编辑:zhengxiaoya 来源:汽车大世界网
Nuance的Dragon Drive(声龙驾驶)现在包含时刻聆听且基于人工智能的Automotive Assistant(汽车助手),方便乘客与系统进行交互。此外,Nuance的Dragon Drive(声龙驾驶)现在还增添了人工智能,从而让驾驶员享受智能车载信息收发和全新个性化功能。

拉斯维加斯(2017年国际消费电子展)和马萨诸塞州伯灵顿——2017年1月5日——Nuance通讯公司(NASDAQ: NUAN)今日宣布,其Dragon Drive(声龙驾驶)互联汽车平台现在新增了人工智能和Automotive Assistant(汽车助手)功能,能够提供高级语境化和个性化车载体验。Dragon Drive(声龙驾驶)现在包含时刻聆听的多乘客对话功能和基于人工智能的信息收发功能以及更多驾驶员个性化选项。

作为其Automotive Assistant(汽车助手)服务的一部分,Dragon Drive(声龙驾驶)已经提供了认知推理功能,让汽车制造商能够将智能虚拟个人助手深入集成到人机界面中,从而聆听、理解、推理并做出反应。凭借来自汽车和驾驶员的语境化和情境化数据,Dragon Drive(声龙驾驶)所提供的汽车助手能够主动推荐导航路线、兴趣点、音乐等内容。

现在,Nuance扩展了其Automotive Assistant(汽车助手)的功能,让汽车制造商能够增加汽车助手服务对象,涵盖车内的所有乘客,而不仅仅是驾驶员。凭借其多乘客交互解决方案,汽车助手能够利用Nuance的“唤醒词”技术与车内的多名乘客进行对话,通过声纹验证识别乘客身份。例如,在驾驶员让汽车助手拨打电话的时候,后排的乘客可以让汽车助手播放他们的“拉斯维加斯公路之旅”歌单。

Nuance的多乘客交互解决方案目前已集成到2016和2017款宝马汽车中,让驾驶员和前排乘客能够与由Dragon Drive(声龙驾驶)提供支持的宝马互联车载信息娱乐系统进行交互。

此外,Nuance还宣布推出高级人工智能信息收发功能,汽车助手能够理解所接收信息的语境并根据信息内容主动给出建议或采取行动。例如,如果驾驶员在下午一点半收到信息“两点十五密歇根中央车站见”,Automotive Assistant(汽车助手)将对信息内容进行分析,询问驾驶员是否需要导航至密歇根中央车站,并询问是否需要回复信息。汽车助手还能够提供其他选项,例如将会议添加到日程安排中。

Nuance的人工智能信息收发功能还能够在通过系统向外发送的信息中插入更多语境和信息。例如,驾驶员可能会说“告诉丽贝卡我的到达时间”,汽车助手随后会向丽贝卡发信息“我将在下午两点二十到达”。汽车助手能够根据距离和导航计算出预计到达时间,并且能够根据此前的信息或联络频率确定联系哪个丽贝卡。随着时间的推移,Automotive Assistant(汽车助手)将掌握常用联系人信息以及他们首选的联络方式(手机、办公室电话或家庭座机)。Dragon Drive(声龙驾驶)的“语音打断”技术让驾驶员能够随时打断汽车助手,从而快速轻松地做出更正。

Strategy Analytics用户体验实践部高级分析师Derek Viita表示:“汽车制造商非常渴望通过汽车助手可以直接获得一系列应用及服务来实现人机界面的与众不同。因此汽车助手在快速发展的自动驾驶汽车及共享驾驶服务中将会扮演至关重要的角色。相对的,汽车助手需要拓展深度对话功能以及认知能力,使车载系统能够无缝理解驾驶员一系列的需要以及个人偏好。”

Nuance的Dragon Drive(声龙驾驶)还让汽车制造商能够利用依托Nuance Mix NLU开发平台的插件对已经部署的信息娱乐系统进行无线升级。汽车制造商能够获取一系列即插即用域,例如体育、新闻、音乐等,具有对话性和智能性,能够快速轻松集成到车机中,可以通过云端或智能手机进行访问,不会影响到信息娱乐系统中的其他应用程序和服务。

Nuance车载业务部高级副总裁Arnd Weil表示:“汽车制造商正在利用对话型汽车助手重新定义人机界面创新,将人工智能融入驾驶体验。我们Dragon Drive(声龙驾驶)平台最新推出的功能让汽车助手体验不再局限于驾驶员,让乘客也能访问内容和服务。随着我们进入下一个交通时代,随着自动驾驶汽车和共享驾驶服务开始在‘智慧城市’中出现,这种共享汽车助手理念至关重要。虽然驾驶员会一直存在,自动驾驶汽车和共享驾驶汽车的乘客数量将不断增加,从而让汽车助手快速获取并提供更多服务和功能。”

Dragon Drive(声龙驾驶)

Dragon Drive(声龙驾驶)提供的用户体验是汽车后市场第三方手机解决方案或单一依赖于云端语音技术解决方案无法企及的。Nuance 独特的混合语音功能支持超过40种语言,让驾驶员能够以更加安全智能的方式获取应用程序和服务。更多信息,请访问Dragon Drive on nuance.com。
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Fatima Vital 席莹

Nuance通讯公司 智达传讯

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电子邮件:fatima.vital@nuance.com 电子邮件:Sally@gedyinc.com

  Nuance Integrates More AI into Automotive Assistant for Passengers
Nuance’s Dragon Drive now features always-listening AI-powered Automotive Assistant to let passengers engage the system; adds AI for intelligent in-car text messaging and new personalization capabilities for drivers

CES 2017 and BURLINGTON, Mass. – January [5], 2017
–Nuance Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: NUAN) today announced new Artificial Intelligence and Automotive Assistant capabilities for its Dragon Drive connected car framework to deliver advanced contextualized and personalized in-car experiences. Dragon Drive now features always-listening multi-passenger communication and AI-enabled text messaging, as well as additional feature for driver personalization.

Dragon Drive already offers cognitive reasoning as part of its Automotive Assistant service, giving automakers the ability to deeply integrate an intelligent virtual personal assistant in the HMI cockpit that can listen, understand, reason and respond. Dragon Drive leverages contextual and situational data from the car and the driver to deliver an assistant that can proactively suggest navigation routes, points of interest, music and more.

Today, Nuance has expanded the capabilities of its Automotive Assistant, providing automakers with the ability to extend assistant capabilities to all passengers in the car – not simply the driver. With its Multi-passenger interaction solution, the in-car assistant can communicate with multiple people in the car leveraging Nuance’s wake-up word technology and identifying the passenger with voice biometrics. For example, the driver may engage the assistant to place a phone call while a passenger in the backseat can engage the system to play their “Las Vegas road trip” playlist.

Nuance’s multi-passenger interaction solution is currently shipping in 2016 and 2017 BMW Group vehicles, allowing drivers and front-seat passengers to interact with the BMW connected in-car infotainment system powered by Dragon Drive.

Nuance also announced advanced AI-enabled text messaging, where the automotive assistant can understand the context of an incoming message and proactively suggest a response or take an action based on its contents. For example, if a driver receives the message at 1:30 p.m., “Let’s meet at Michigan Central Station at 2:15,” the Automotive Assistant will interpret the details and ask the driver if she would like to navigate to Michigan Central station given the time, as well as ask whether she would like to send back a message. The assistant will also provide options such as adding a meeting to a calendar.

Nuance’s AI-enabled text messaging also inserts additional context and information into an outgoing message dictated through the system. For instance, the driver may say “Tell Rebecca when I will arrive,” and the assistant will send a message to Rebecca with a message stating “I will arrive at 2:20 p.m.” The assistant knows based on the distance and navigation the expected arrival time, and understands which Rebecca to contact based on previous messaging exchanges or frequency of contact. Frequent contacts and their preferred contact details (mobile versus office or home) are learned by the Automotive Assistant over time. However, corrections are quick and easy with Dragon Drive’s voice barge-in technology that allows drivers to interrupt the assistant at any time.

“Automakers are keen to differentiate within the HMI through automotive virtual assistants that provide intuitive access to a range of apps and services – setting the stage for assistants that will play a central role in the evolving landscape of autonomous cars and shared car services. As such, automotive assistants need to extend beyond the driver with deep conversational and cognitive capabilities that allow the system to seamlessly understand a range of needs and personal preferences,” said Derek Viita, senior analyst, user experience practice, Strategy Analytics.

Nuance Dragon Drive also gives automakers the ability to easily update already deployed infotainment systems over the air with plug-ins that leverage the Nuance Mix NLU development platform. Automakers have access to an array of plug and play domains, such as sports, news, music and more that are conversational and intelligent, can be quickly and easily integrated in the head unit, accessible via the cloud or smartphone without impacting other apps and services in the infotainment system.

“Automakers are redefining innovation in the HMI with conversational automotive assistants that bring artificial intelligence behind the wheel,” said Arnd Weil, senior vice president, automotive, Nuance Mobile. “These latest enhancements to our Dragon Drive platform bring the automotive assistant experience beyond the driver’s seat, giving passengers the ability to access content and services. This shared automotive assistant concept is critical as we enter the next era of transportation, where autonomous vehicles and shared driving services begin to take shape across ‘smart cities.’ And while there will always be drivers, we’ll see the number of autonomous and shared vehicle passengers rise, giving way to more services and capabilities that automotive assistants can quickly access and deliver.”

Dragon Drive

Dragon Drive offers a level of user experience unmatched by aftermarket third party mobile phone solutions or solutions relying on cloud-based speech technology alone. Nuance’s unique hybrid voice capabilities provide drivers with a safer, smarter way to access apps and services, across more than 40 different languages. To learn more, visit Dragon Drive on nuance.com

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About Nuance Communications, Inc.

Nuance Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ : NUAN) is a leading provider of voice and language solutions for businesses and consumers around the world. Its technologies, applications and services make the user experience more compelling by transforming the way people interact with devices and systems. Every day, millions of users and thousands of businesses experience Nuance’s proven applications. For more information, please visit www.nuance.com.

Nuance, Dragon and the Nuance logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nuance Communications, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States of America and/or other countries. All other company names or product names may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

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